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About Me



Hello, and welcome to The Book Worm. My name is Jade and I am currently a journalism and creative writing and literature student at the University of South Australia.


I have lived in Adelaide my whole life, and if it wasn’t obvious from the name of my Blog, I am a true book worm, however I haven’t always been. I used to hate reading, and I’ve only recently rediscovered my love for it, and I would love to help others do the same through my blog.


I believe that no one really hates reading, but if you think you do, that just means you haven’t found your niche yet. I personally love reading contemporary fiction, and more specifically cheesy romance. What I love the most about reading is not only the way you can get lost in another world, and experience so many different emotions along with so many different characters, and, in a way, live a thousand lives. But I also love the way that books can bring people together. Whether it is over shared, or differences in opinion, they’re triggers for discussion, and therefore connection, and in a world where it can be so easy to feel disconnected, I think that is something to cherish.

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